You are probably used to the following issue: you have invited your members to the general meeting, but only a few members came. The members often live elsewhere to the meeting room, could not arrange to travel or were unable to make the appointment. As a result, it can happen that your assembly does not have a quorum and, for example, the association cannot guarantee sufficient basic democracy.
✓ You do not need the budget for rental costs and save a lot on organization time
✓ The platform is available at all times
✓ Members save time and money for not traveling to the meeting
✓ Put the agenda online in advance and communicate with your members entirely via our platform
✓ Online ballot papers and votes can be counted very quickly and especially with a large numbers of members
you profit from the automation and their accuracy
✓ Everybody has a chance to participate and vote online
✓ The general meeting can also be held if social gatherings are restricted to have due to a pandemic
Our event platform meet.teamgeist offers you an innovative and reliable tool for your general meeting, whether purely digital or hybrid. We enable you to carry out your elections and votes in accordance with the law. With meet.teamgeist you are always prepared for short-term contact restrictions, as you can switch from hybrid to purely digital without any problems.
The advantages of your virtual general meeting

Structure & order
At a general meeting, it can happen that many people want to express their opinion at the same time, you can benefit from the option to mute persons or to make them raising their hand.
Independence from any premises
At a virtual event, physical distancing does no longer play a role. Get in touch with employees, customers and other stakeholders, no matter where the individual is located
Time flexibility
Our platform is available to you at any time. This allows you to increase the number of participants.
Modernity & Innovation
Prove your innovative strength and present yourself as digitally affine. This is how you can differ from the competition on a competitive market.

Communicate with your participants via broadcast lists, the global chat or individual breakouts sessions

Individual design
We adapt our platform on your behalf, which includes your corporate design

We have integrated several voting types on our platform that you can make use of